Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Show of 2012!!

Here we go with the first show of the new year of 2012! Will this be our final year? We shall see if there's still a world after this year is over...

1. Biotech- Marcha Final (0:00)
2. EleKKtro 1mplante- Confesion (5:46)
3. Dreams Divide- Puppet Love (9:42)
4. Sleetgrout- Dance Like Joke (13:36)
5. Nexus VI- Indicator Remix by [Sin.thetic Squad]) (18:21)
6. Eloquent- Carte Blanche (Rename Dance Mix) (22:55)
7. T3rror 3rror- Rave Inc. (27:10)
8. Autodafeh- Camp Intel (33:09)
9. Amduscia- I'll Hate You (37:12)
10. Unity One- Infrared (41:42)
11. Xperiment- Xperiment/Euthanaisa (45:26)
12. Liquid Divine- iHuman (50:39)
13. Antiscion- overthrown (56:26)
14. Diversant:13- Winter Frost (61:23)
15. S.I.T.D- Code:red (66:46)
16. Kirlian Camera- Nightglory (Camera Version) (72:27)

Broadband Stream
Dial-up Stream
Program 1- High Quality Download
Program 1- Dialup Download

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Live show for tonight!

Show to begin at shortly. Pre-show has now begun! Tune in here:

Feel freel to send requests over IM- ardilla93618 on Yahoo and AOL and on MSN and Googletalk

Saturday, January 7, 2012


To all who tuned in- THANKS!! You made this evening's show loads of fun!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Live show for tonight!

Live show to start at 7 pm pacific. Pre-show has begun: